Present: Dianne, Pauline, Susan, Denise, Merrin, Natalie, Lesley, Shari, Megan, Nola and Doreen.

Does the harshness of life contribute to the standard of behaviour of some of the characters? For good? and for Bad?
The majority agreed that the harsh life definitely impacted on the way the characters behaved.
Some felt that Eva was pushed into her behaviour and her twisted use of her daughter Rose, was almost excusable. Others felt there was no excuse for the way she used Rose.
Bella was one of those that were made by Denniston the way she became respectable community leader and the teacher.
As was Mary Scobie, almost broken by her son's death and the harsh conditions she rose above her depression to become a leader during the strike and then there was no holding her back.
Totty flourished in Denniston and became a beacon of sensibleness.
Con needed the escape (Eva) from his life despite his love of Bella...and his disappearance may remain unsolved if we do not read the sequel.
There are four strong female characters in this book, Mrs C Rasmussen (Bella), Mary Scobie, Eva and Totty. Who did you relate to or feel sorry for the most?
Partly answered in the question above, but the ones that we felt sorry for the most were Bella and Mary Scobie with one bookmate describing "Mary Scobie as a central pillar of the novel", Totty was very relatable.
Do you think Rose's mother actually felt any lover for her child? If so when did she show it?There was divison whether Eva/Angel felt love towards Rose, with some thinking her treatment of her daughter inexcusable and that if she felt love it was a very twisted fact she called Rose "her little pot of gold"
Others disagreed pointing out that Eva was happy for Rose to be cared for by Tooty when she was burned but was quick to collect her when she got well, but others thought that Rose was the payment for living at Billy Genesis and so she needed her back anyway.
Why did the townsfolk turn a blind eye to what Billy Genesis was doing to Rose?
Billy was needed as the blacksmith, he was a skilled one and even though no one liked him there were a shortage of blacksmiths.
When we first started the book club there were a number of us who admitted to not really liking New Zealand books/authors, now that we have read three NZ authors, Lloyd Jones, Kate de Goldi and Jenny Pattrick, have we changed our minds towards New Zealand books and authors?
The majority verdict was that we do enjoy New Zealand books and authors and were reading them, with only one dissenter who still avoids NZ books and authors like the plague.
Rating 3.5 (Out of 5) : Actual member ratings on the day ranged from 2 to 5. (4, 5, 3.5, 4.5, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3.5, 3.5 = 36)