Hi bookmates,
We have added another question to the ones we sent out in the newsletter that hopefully you have received!
If there are anymore then just bring them along tomorrow. looking forward to seeing everyone then.
1. This is the first book that we have read so far in letter form, how did you cope with the style?
2. What did you think of the title of the book? Did you find it appropriate that it was Elizabeth that dreamt up the name of the society?
3. What was your first impression of Dawsey, and did it change over time?
4. In what ways were Elizabeth and Juliet similar?
5. Who was your favourite member of the ‘The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society’?
6. What did you think of Adelaide’s description of the members of the Society? “There are only two respectable people in the Society – Eben Ramsey and Amelia Maugery. The other members: a rag-and-bone man, a lapsed Alienist who drinks, a stuttering swine-herd, a footman posing as a lord, and Isola Pribby, a practising witch, who, by her own admission, distils and sells potions.”
7. Do you agree with Isola’s comment after reading Wuthering Heights? ”I don’t believe that after reading such a fine writer as Emily Bronte I will be happy to read again Miss Amanda Gillyflower’s Ill-Used By Candlelight. Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books.”
Or do you think there is a place for both good and bad books?
8. What would have been the worst thing about being on Guernsey during the occupation? And would have it been worse to be on Guernsey or in another country that had been occupied e.g. France
9. In some ways the novel reminded me of the last two books we have read, the theme of compassion and people remaining true to themselves and their ideals and not letting nationalism take over. What do you think?
10. Did you have a Google moment? Would you like to visit the island?
11. Were you satisfied with the ending of the book or was it 'too pat' with Juliet adopting Kit and then getting together with Dawsey?
12. How do you rate the book from 1 to 5?