Friday, May 8, 2009

Shameless plugs for Manukau Libraries No.1

I know, I know, you are thinking yet another shameless plug and yes you are right. But hey, we just want to make sure that you do know because we all know how easy it is to assume that everyone knows and then when it turns out not everyone does know you end up feeling foolish.

Courtesy Emails
Did you know that from April 09 Manukau Libraries started sending out courtesy emails three days before your books are due?
To take advantage of the courtesy emails, all you need to have is have an email address (one that you need to regularly check) and ask for it to be added to your library record and our computers will send out an email notice reminding you that your books are due - wow, what's next - parking meters that text you that your time is up in 5 minutes so you better feed me or get on the road?

New Books
This is a monthly listing of the new books that have come into our library system. The list breaks the books up into topics and is a great way to find out what's new. If you are anything like me you will love this service as by the time I get to look at the new book shelf the best books are like Elvis and have left the building...

Next Reads - this great service started last year. It is an email newsletter that you can choose to subscribe to or just read online. The great thing is that there are a heap of Next Reads newsletters to choose from, fantasy - non fiction, and everything in between. The newsletter is a list of recommended book titles chosen by librarians working at Manukau Libraries with a passion for their genre, so there has to be a few gems in there worth checking out!

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