Thursday, July 23, 2009

Book discussion questions for Don't tell Mum

Kia ora folks,
Since I have had the hard word and was a little slow in getting this month's newsletter out I have succumbed to the pressure and am posting some questions which we may or may not discuss this Saturday for
Don't tell Mum I work on the rigs : she thinks I'm a piano player in a whorehouse by Paul Carter
So without further ado...

What did you think of the title and how does it relate to the book?
What was your impression of Carter’s style of writing?
Carter’s descriptions of his fellow colleagues were memorable, the way they worked hard and partied hard and the danger they faced both physical and mental. Were you surprised by what you read?
Which story stood out for you?
What did you make of the New Zealand connection’s in the book, the four Maori in Leinster and Maurice?
How conducive do you think the occupation of an itinerant oil rigger would be to have a family life, compared to say a person serving in the army, working in advertising or in a graveyard shift such as nursing?
What would be the motivation to have a lifestyle, such as Carter’s?
Carter mentioned that he was invited to more parties in the advertising world than when he was working on oil riggers, and more drugs were taken in the advertising world did this surprise you?
Would you recommend the book, and if you did who would it be to?
Out of scale of 1-5 how do you rate the book?

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