Does anyone else have this problem? My favourite authors are just not spitting out their novels fast enough, do they think they are on a picnic, what happened to the 8 hour work day, surely a book or two a year isn't too much to ask for!! Case in point, Robert Rankin. Robert, I love you, I have read everything you have published, I follow your radio show on BBC, I belong to your fanclub. OK so I haven't attended any of your events recently but Brentford, England is just a little off the beaten track for me! The last novel you wrote was Necrophenia in 2008, that was a year ago Robert!! May I be so bold as to make a suggestion - instead of writing in longhand in an exercise book, try a wordprocessor man!! you will never look back. But wait, imagine my delight when the Order of the Golden Sprout alterted me to new Rankin novel in the wings. Retromancer is to be published this year! but hurry we are over half way through. I will let you off with a warning Robert, a book a year is not too bad but you could do better. I'm happy to whizz over and be your typist.
Bookmates, you can check out the Order of the Golden Sprout at http://www.thegoldensprout.com/
Ain't that the truth...I can't even remember when my favourite ScFi writer Melissa Scott ("Trouble and her friends", and "Dreaming metal") last wrote a book - so perhaps a year ain't so bad for Robert, but considering there is a recession and all, he may want to take you up on the offer and whizz you over, just in case!!
ReplyDeleteCool site link - btw I have officially requested a hold on Necrophenia - see I am open to persuasion
I know exactly what you mean. There are a number of authors whose works I read and I wait eagerly for each new release...finish it in a couple of hours and then moan about having to wait another year. Why can't all writers be like La Nora (Nora Roberts) and put out about 3 or 4 books a year, now...? Kidding!