Thursday, March 25, 2010

Discussion Questions for Bill Bryson's The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid

Hi Bookmates,

To make it easier for everyone to find on the blog, I have copied the questions that we have received below.
  1. Why do we find Bryson's writing so funny - His descriptions of eg. poor Milton Milton, the toity jar! and the descriptions of the inhibitions towards eating anything slightly unusual at that time?
  2. Had anyone heard of or used any of the words that Bill described as being delightful Fifties words? E.g. mimeograph, rotisserie, ice box, bobby sox, etc
  3. How did he get to be so successful, when he missed so much school?
  4. How do you pronounce Des Moines? I'll bet it's not like the original French?
  5. How's you memory? Could you remember so much of your childhood?
  6. Chaise longue - I've always thought it was spelt lounge, and even when reading it in the book saw it is lounge and took a while to realise the point the father was making. Anyone else like that?
  7. What aspects of Bill's childhood can you relate to?
  8. Was there more freedom for kids in the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's. than there is now? And if so what has changed?
  9. Is the past always seen as being better? And if so, why do we look back and think about the 'good old days'.
  10. What toys do you remember from your childhood?
  11. Did you learn anything from Bill's informative narration of 1950's America that you didn't know before?
  12. Did the ending satisfy you?

Thanks to Megan, Lesley, Merrin and Vanessa for sending in their questions, we lok forward to hearing everyone else on Saturday.


  1. These are the best book club questions I've seen online. Generally my book group members talk enough without needing extra questions but it's always best to be prepared.

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