Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Excellent News - check out our Fiction collection on your next visit

Hi bookmates,
we have some great news, today was the beginning of the floating fiction collection. I know I know you are thinking the what?
Being a good sort I won't bore you with the library lingo, but suffice to say the really good news is that you should see a whole heap of different adult fiction books on our shelves when you next visit the library. How it works is if someone has requested a book from another branch and returns it to ours it will stay in our branch unless someone else requests it etc, that is the book stays where the demand is, well that is the theory.

I know I am really looking forward to it as our science fiction collection is looking pretty sad and could do with a few different titles...Looking forward to hearing if you notice a difference in your next several visits and if it is for the better or the worse...
cheers for now, Natalie

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